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Apr 19, 2021

The Personal Growth Dilemma

We are personal growth fans. We believe now more than ever that personal growth is vital for Christian leaders. The problem some believers find in some personal growth practices and advice is that some of the methods in personal growth circles run contrary to Scripture.

The “believe in yourself and accomplish your dreams” is probably one of the top, if not the top, supreme laws of personal growth. So why do we as believers struggle with this? Because we all know ourselves. We know, as followers of Christ, that the amount of belief in ourselves is not where the real power comes from. Our belief in Christ is where power and growth comes from.

Join Kyle and Cassie as they unpack the need for personal growth and how Christian leaders can filter personal growth methods through Scripture. You do not have to face a personal growth dilemma and God can use personal growth strategies for your good and His glory!